Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Inconvenient Truth Questions!!

1. The Earth rise started the modern day environmental movement.
2. There are many vulnerable parts of the earth system, however according to the video, the atmosphere is considered the most vulnerable part.
3.Compared to the earth, the atmosphere is very thin. The video describes the atmosphere as a coat of varnish on a globe so thin that we can change it. The atmosphere has both positive and negative effects on the environment.
4.Trapping radiation by the earth's atmosphere can be a beneficial factor because it keeps the temperature of the earth at homeostasis. it traps radiation from the sun with generates heat.
5. Negatively speaking, when the thickness of the atmosphere increases, too much infrared radiation can be too much causing the Earth to heat up and eventually leading to global warming.
6.About 40% of the world's population depends on glacial melt for drinking water.
7. Scientists are studying ice cores in order to count study how the environment is effected each year and to understand carbon dioxide emissions.
8. As carbon dioxide increases, temperature increases. There is a direct relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and atmospheric temperature.
9. Over the years, the earth's temperature has been rising. The hottest 10 years on earth occurred in the passed 14 years.
10. As the water temperature under a hurricane increases, the wind velocity of the storm also increases.
11. Lake Chad used to be one of the largest lakes in the world, over the passed couple of years however, it has dried up and has shrank 95%. This shrinkage was due to a shift in weather patterns that led to global warming.
12. 90% of the suns radiation gets reflected by ice.
13. As glaciers melt, the ocean begins to absorb the sun's radiation and it heats up. Ocean and wind currents redistribute energy from the equator to the north and south poles.
14. If the ice sheets of Western Australia were to melt, the sea level would rise approximately 20 feet.
15. There are three main factors that cause a collision between civilization and the environment. 1. increases in population. 2. developments in science and technology. 3. way of thinking.
16.Approxiamtely 30% of global carbon dioxide emissions come form forest fires.
17. According to data collected in 2005, the United States is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
18. Surprisingly, the United States has the lowest government standards for gas mileage of automobiles.
19.The Kyoto Protocol has not been signed by the United States and Australia.

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