Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Power Surge!!

The video entitled ‘Power Surge’ introduces a theory known as the ‘wedge theory’ to tackle the issue of climate change. The program claims that technology will be the solution to the energy crisis. Biologist Stephen Pacala, hypothesizes that society must freeze carbon emissions at current levels and not allow them to increase. By doing this, Pacala says we will be able to solve the energy crisis. He breaks down the problem into various wedges, where each wedge represents a way to reduce carbon emissions. The first category is labeled energy efficiency, second nuclear energy, third buying carbon emissions from coal plants and fourth harnessing solar power. Pacala’s calculations show that we must lower our carbon emissions by 7 billion tons per year.  In order to address efficiency, fuel mileage must be increased. By increasing the miles per gallon per commercial vehicle would not only augment efficiency but also accommodate the monetary budget of its owner. Additionally, by placing limits on carbon emissions released by nuclear power plants, physically collecting coal and recycling it into the earths surface to inhibit its unwanted carbon emissions, and using solar and wind power to generate energy from renewable sources are all methods in which we can increase the efficiency of our modern power harnessing.

I agree with the ideas expressed in the video ‘Power Surge’.  The video expresses valid arguments and plans for battling the issue of climate change. Due to the complexity of the issue, taking it step-by-step and breaking down the changing process is a valid point. It is impossible to alter to renewable energy in just a few years. Together, we must find a way to maintain our current lifestyle and begin cutting down our carbon footprints. There are many roadblocks along the way to a viable solution including economics, politics and the burden placed on society. As Pascala addresses, we can use technology to try and beat these roadblocks and create solutions. I agree with the fact that energy efficiency is the easiet to achieve because it is financially accessible. The video also expresses how solar power tends not to be as popular as other forms of alternative energy, due to its sky rocketing costs.  We must remember however that each form of alternative energy in someway negatively impacts our environment, something that the video did not elaborate on.

‘Power Surge’ touches upon the effects of the environment, society and economy when considering what alternative energies to use. The film addresses that society does not want the garbage in their backyards nor do they want to pay for the high costs. What it comes down to is if it is affordable and the benefits have to outweight the opportunity cost. Renewables are a large investment, which makes large scale and long-term implementation difficult. The video also briefly discussed the effects of alternative energy on the environment such as the negative effects of nuclear power such as the Fukishima disaster. What the video does not address is if the gains from the renewable energies will be greater than the costs. Many ideas have been presented however the video lacks detail in expressing the effects of each type of energy on our environment.  

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