Friday, July 5, 2013

Carbon Footprint

  • My total estimated greenhouse gas emission per year is 59 tons of C02 eq/year
  • My home energy  individual breakdown is 44%, driving and flying 48%, food and diet 6.9% and recycling and waste 1.2%.
  • My total and % breakdown is greater than the average U.S. person for home energy and driving and flying while my total and % breakdown for recycling and waste and food and diet is typically lower than the average U.S. person.
  • Compared to the world average, my greenhouse gas emission is much greater. 
  • In order to decrease my carbon emission for home energy, I could begin maintaing my heating and cooling systems better, for driving and flying, I could reduce the amount I use the car and begin using my bicycle. I can also cut my flights per year. For food and diet, I can start cutting meat out of my diet. Lastly, for recycling and waste, I can be sure to always separate trash into its proper container as well as reusing and composting. 

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