Thursday, July 4, 2013


My name is Alexis Lingaas, but everyone calls me Lexx. I just finished my junior year and will be entering my senior year in the fall. I am an international affairs major with a business minor. Brazil was always on my bucket list since I was a child. When I was researching which dialogue to complete Summer 2, I came across the alternative energy dialogue in Sao Paulo. After attending the first meeting, I was very interested in the topics that we would be learning while in Brazil. Being an international affairs major, I have never really studied alternative energy or how our daily activities affect the environment.

 On this dialogue, I hope to visit various sites where we will be immersed into the Brazilian culture and how they work on renewable energy projects. One of my main goals is to compare and contrast the ways the United States and Brazil conduct renewable energy projects. I am very interested in learning why in fact Brazil is one of the top countries in the world for renewable energy. 

Upon arriving in Brazil, right of the bat many things were very different from home. The pace in which people work and live is much slower than the pace in the United States. Being Greek, I am used to this slow pace. The second day, we were taken to the downtown area of SP where I saw many homeless people. The amount of homeless people I saw was shocking. Over the next 4 weeks, I hope to see, learn and discover Sao Paulo and immerse myself into the Brazilian culture. 

THIS IS BRAZIL! ----- check out the video with Vin Diesel!

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that the pace in Brazil is different than in the US. I found it sometimes unprofessional, but maybe it is because I have spent too much time in the US and their work pace has rubbed off on me. Did that happen to you too?
